SCBWI Conference 2009 in South Dakota

April 15, 2009 at 11:38 am | Posted in scbwi | Leave a comment
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dinner Friday: Jean Patrick, Tim Gillner, Chris Browne, Lori Walsh, Nancy NL Sharp, Susan Underdahl

dinner Friday

Above photo: Jean Patrick, Tim Gillner, Chris Browne, Lori Walsh, Nancy Sharp, Susan Underdahl

Sometimes I must admit, that here in the sprawling cornfields of South Dakota (which also includes North Dakota and Minnesota, if that gives you a better idea of our chapter’s demographics) –where authors and illustrators are few and far between, we get a little jealous of the big cities where SCBWI members can meet each other for coffee at the drop of a pen.

At the same time, we are also proud of our independence and determination.

Our 3rd Annual Spring Conference was scheduled for April 4. Who would ever think that a blizzard would really happen on that very weekend…especially when we had record numbers of registrants committed to come? We are blaming it on Jean Patrick, of course. She, our fearless coordinator ,is the author of If I Had A Snowplow, after all.

Our speakers, and all the attendees each showed what they are made of by getting to the conference…and some did not get to leave until a day later, after the roads and skies were clear. Even with several cancellations, we had 68 attend, not including the speakers. Of that 68, 16 were artists.

The following photos are compliments of Chris Browne:

Dinner Friday

Dinner Friday

scbwidinner5abJean Patrick, me:), Tim Gillner

The day began with a nuts and bolts for writers given by Mary Scarbrough.

Tim Gillner then enlightened us with A Picture Book: Conception to Birth. I love that Boyds Mills just does what they love to do, without trying to predict what is “marketable.”

At 11, Martyn Beeny from SDSHS Press wowed us with a presentation about this amazing press. Though small, the number of award-winning books they create is impressive! Go Martyn!

Susan Underdahl shared her story with us. I love that every person who creates books comes is on a journey all their own. Just love it.

Dr. Mark Geary taught a break-out session on making book trailers.

All this along with critiques, panel discussions, topped off with a great lunch and tons of door prizes made for a perfect way to spend a weekend in South Dakota–blizzard or no blizzard.

PRETEND…for IF “We Ate the Whole Buffalo”

November 17, 2008 at 7:06 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 12 Comments
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I just got back from the indescribable HIGHLIGHTS FOUNDATION FOUNDERS’ WORKSHOP…”The Visual Art of the Picture Book, instructed by Dominic Catalano.   I actually got back a week ago, but it seems like yesterday!  I highly recommend this workshop to any artist who currently illustrates picture books, or if you are an artist who wants to illustrate picture books.  

This little mouse is perfect for PRETEND.  He demonstrates a lesson from one of the assignments that Dominic Catalano gave us for one of the sessions.   He wanted us to choose a scene from the previous storyboarding session we had, and illustrate it with BAD SHAKESPEAREAN ACTING in mind.  In other words, he wanted us to do all we could to capture the gestures, personalities, and mood necessary to create the scene.  I think I got it in the little mouse, but his proud parents could have been even more exaggerated.  The shoulders could have been more correct if I had them more “lifted” more…a bit “prouder”.  Anyway, this was a wonderful excercise. 

More about the workshop:  Where to start???!!!  There were seven artists attending: Tess Feltes, John Shroades, Lisa Dragonetti, Sharon Edwards, Tanja Bauerle, Tatyana Starikova Harris, and me, of course.  The faculty and guests included: Dominic Catalano, Tim Gillner of Boyds Mills Press,  Cynthia Faber Smith of Highlights magazine, Kelley Cunningham from High Five magazine, Suzanne Bloom (stripey socks and all!), and Lindsay Barrett-George..(make sure you check out her latest book ALFRED DIGS!)….Alfred and his itty bitty friend and his momma just melt your heart with their journey…. 


nick kelley suzanne tim

nick kelley suzanne tim











I will post more links and/or photos for all those mentioned as soon as I get them rounded up! i mean swipe them from Tanja’s blog. 🙂  Here are a few I took with my camera phone.

Here is the cabin I got to inhabit:



The awesome van we got to ride in:  You know you want a van with a goose and a polar bear on it!!! You know you do! How great would that be!  Oh, and if you haven’t read that book, DO IT. It is wonderful.  We got to see her latest dummy, too.  Let me tell you: THE FOX ROCKS!!!!! wait til you see it in WHAT ABOUT BEAR?


Lindsay, Tanja, Dominic, John, Suzanne

Lindsay, Tanja, Dominic, John, Suzanne

 I should have taken pictures of the FOOD! Award-winning gourmet chefs Marcia and Deb were incredible.  We were so spoiled.  A few of the dishes include: shrimp encrusted talapia, LOBSTER lasagna, chowder, chili, potstickers, homemade breads and pies, the list goes on… I came home so nourished!  Now when I go to my own cupboard “I feel like I am at a smorgasboard and all you give me is bean dip!”  (to understand that, go to 2:36 of the incredibles youtube posted below…then keep watching until past 3:50ish for the infamous buffalo quote.)

To sum it up, this workshop truly helped me to gain a sense of direction and peace in my work.  Thank you to all the attendees, faculty, and guests who helped me “tilt my head to get a better view.”   Each one of you hold a special place in my heart and I am very grateful to have met you.  

Here is a shot of what I saw from the plane on my way home:



Oh yeah, and last but not least…as long as I am cramming so much into one post I may as well take care of the tag that Candace threw at me. 🙂

Seven random facts about me:

1. I don’t really like ice cream.

2. I live in an old two story school house.

3. I live 13 miles from any town.  That means no pizza delivery for us!

4. I graduated high school as the salutatorian. 

5. My dad taught me to read when I was four.

6. I spelled CAT wrong in a spelling bee –in THIRD GRADE!!!

7. We burn corn to heat our house.

The four people I tag are: Tanja, Kari, Linda, and ok, make that three–I am such a rebel. hehehe Let’s blame Candace. She took it from seven tags to four. I will go with three. Three is good.

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